Fully laiden swaggie (including; slightly damp swag, mostly foodless tuckerbag, hat, boots, person items, clothes, swagman and road dust): 80kg

Swag (including; canvas, blanket, Tilba poncho/blanket, Drizabone, smaller canvas, string, belt strap, extra strap): 8.2kg

Tuckerbag (including; empty water bladder 1.5L, plate, tin box of writing gear, small shoulder bag, calico tuckerbag with a few slices of bread, vegimite, salt): 3.9kg

Boots and socks: 2.4kg

Person items (pen, notebook, hat, tea tree oil, mobile phone, step counter, pocket knife): 0.6kg
Bare foot (clad) swaggie (including; shirt, shorts, lots of hair): 65.5kg
Clothes: 1.5kg
Road dust (following a recently showered swaggie): 1kg
Bone dry swag (contents as above but sun dried): 7.6kg
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